1st Wiggly Tooth? Simply Start Here. - Hold The Magic
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1st Wiggly Tooth? Simply Start Here.

Want to start playing Tooth Fairy for your child, but not sure how to do it?
Here’s a few must-know tips.

Money Isn’t That Important To Children

People forget things that aren't important to them, and money just isn’t important to a child. Want to know what is important? Imagination. Play. Wonder. Magic is the currency of children, not money. The time for financial responsibility will come, but do you really want to rush it?

Every lost tooth and visit from the Tooth Fairy is an opportunity to teach your child a valuable lesson in life. With the Tooth Fairy tradition, you have a choice. You could teach the importance of money, and there is some value in that, or you could teach them to foster their imagination and creativity. 

Kids Want to Believe

If not cash, what should the Tooth Fairy leave? Magic of course! 

Maybe a tiny stuffed animal, or a fairy-sized baseball glove. A set of tools owned by a woodpecker friend in Fairyland, or a mini spyglass. It just takes a sprinkling of pixie dust and a tiny letter written with fantasy language from the magical fairy.

tooth fairy

Your child wants to believe in a world where fairies exist and exchange gifts for their pearly whites. They want to imagine their own personal fairy flitting about their teeny home in the side of a tree, thinking about what gift to give. Your child will dream up something unique to them, all you have to do is give them a starting place and let their imagination fly free.

The Fairy Letter is the Best Part

You could leave a gift from the Tooth Fairy without a letter, but your child would be missing out on the best part. Magic and imagination are what’s important, and letters are a key part of building the fantasy. No matter what wonderful, magical gift your child receives, they will get the most joy out of the thought that there is a magical fairy who cares specifically about them. The letter tells them just that.

Tooth Fairy Gifts

Tooth Fairy letters are also another opportunity to sneak in some positive life lessons. Maybe your little one doesn’t want to listen when you tell them to brush their teeth, but they might listen to their magical fairy friend who is invested in the condition of their teeth. 

So, what’s next? Check out our 1st Wiggly Tooth Collection. It has everything you need to begin a new Tooth Fairy tradition full of magical memories. It also makes a great gift for a new mom or a grandchild about to experience their first wiggly tooth. Stay magical. Thanks for believing!

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