Q: What if ... my child has already lost a tooth and received money from the Tooth Fairy?
Children possess an innate sense of wonder and imagination, and our Hold the Magic gifts are sure to spark their curiosity and excitement. It’s tangible “proof” of the Tooth Fairy, after all! However, if you’ve given money in the past and are just now starting your Hold the Magic tradition, you may consider leaving money along with the gift bag (just to be safe!). You can also start with any one of our gift sets (not just the Starter Gift Set), so feel free to choose the one that would best appeal to your child.

Q: What if ... my child splits time between households?
There’s no telling when (or where) those wiggly teeth will fall out! If your child splits time between households, it may be wise to clue their other guardian in on your Hold the Magic tradition. If a tooth has a “wiggle,” it’s as easy as secretly giving their caretaker the magic bag at drop off (just in case) and asking them to place it under your child’s pillow should the tooth fall out. And you can always direct others to the Hold the Magic website to fully explain the tradition.

Q: What if ... my child has an older sibling whose Tooth Fairy experience was different?
A: This is going to depend how much older the other child is. If they have completed their journey and no longer believe, bring them into the fun of holding the magic for their younger sibling. If the older sibling is still in the journey, transition them both to gifts and if needed, add a dollar or gold coin into the gift bags to ease the change. Most children are much more excited about the gifts than money, but it is important to understand their expectation.
Every child’s magical journey is unique. Learn how we helped create a positive experience for our daughter when it came time to retire our Tooth Fairy wings. Read blog post

Q: What if ... it’s my child’s first wiggly tooth? Do I have to start with the Fairy Starter set?
A: You can begin your Tooth Fairy tradition with any set you wish. The biggest difference is that the Starter set includes a miniature high-quality brass magnifying glass to read the tiny fairy letters. But none of the sets talk specifically about the first lost tooth, so you’re safe no matter which set you pick. You can also get the Starter set at any point in the journey.

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