Do Baby Teeth Matter? - Hold The Magic
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Do Baby Teeth Matter?

Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence

Parents often have many questions about baby teeth. After all, we know that soon enough the tiny teeth that appear in our baby’s mouth - seemingly overnight sometimes - will wiggle and be replaced with a permanent set. Do baby teeth have roots? Should I worry if my child gets a cavity in a baby tooth?

There is more value in those first teeth than the surprises the Tooth Fairy will leave behind when they fall out!

It can be tempting to think that baby teeth don’t matter much, but good oral hygiene is an important part of your toddler and elementary-age child’s overall health. Read on to learn more about why baby teeth are important and what to do if you suspect a baby tooth cavity.

Stay Magical Tooth Fairies!

Do Baby Teeth Matter

Photo by Chris Constantine

Cavities can pass from baby teeth to adult teeth

Despite the obvious costs and hassles of extra trips to the dentist, damaged baby teeth can hinder the healthy growth of adult teeth and cause even more problems down the road.

Tooth pain associated with poor oral care can cause pain and inhibit a healthy diet

Getting plenty of fruits and veggies into a child’s diet can be a challenge - pain while chewing is one less thing that parents will have to contend with by keeping those baby teeth clean and healthy!

Damaged baby teeth can impede proper speech and negatively affect self-esteem

Children can be very sensitive to fitting in with peers, especially as they enter and continue through elementary school. Keeping a consistent oral health routine sets the stage for proper speech development, ultimately helping a child navigate forming social connections.

What should you do if you suspect your child has a cavity?

Here are some signs to look for that could indicate cavities in baby teeth. If you are concerned your child may be showing signs of a cavity or other tooth-related issues, be sure to consult your dentist and/or pediatrician for advice.

  • Tooth pain when chewing or brushing
  • Pain below the gum line that is localized around one tooth or area
  • Increased sensitivity to temperature - such as when drinking hot or cold beverages
  • Dark spots on teeth, discoloration, visible holes or cracks
  • Persistent bad breath that is not alleviated by consistent brushing or mouthwash

The transition from baby teeth to permanent can be filled with magic

As parents we know that oral hygiene is just a tiny portion of the many things that go into raising happy, healthy children. Making the Tooth Fairy experience low stress for parents while creating magical memories for children inspires us each day as we lovingly create our Tooth Fairy Kits. We have also created a FREE downloadable Loose Tooth Fairy Chart as a way to help document this aspect of your child’s growth. Get the free printable chart below!

Download Loose Tooth Fairy Chart - Full Color

Download Loose Tooth Fairy Chart - B&W


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