Fairy Spotlight: A Life Full of Magic - Hold The Magic
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Fairy Spotlight: A Life Full of Magic

As parents, we’re given the gift to create moments of magic for the little ones in our life. Over the course of our Fairy Spotlights series, we’ve met some wondrous Moms and Dads who shared their stories and ways of finding magic in their busy lives.

We’d like to thank all of you for doing such a wonderful job holding magic. We’d like to offer you two key thoughts to keep in mind.

  1. There are many ways to create wonder.
  2. There is magic in the unexpected.

Create wonder.

Each day is an opportunity to create wonder and magic in you and your family’s lives. It can begin with perspective. Take the Brooke Hampton quote that Courtney Lewis shared with us: “Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.” There is such power in positivity and setting a good example. Be open to magical moments and a whole world will open up before you and your kids. You can even create opportunities to show generosity for others, such as in the case of Carmen Galeano who sets time aside with her kids each month to create cards for their local nursing home.

Wonder can be created in many ways. Sometimes it’s a themed family night, a movie and camp out in the living room, or a scavenger hunt wildlife hike. Try to carve out time to do something out of the ordinary together. These don’t have to be big undertakings. It can be as simple as starting New Years or Christmas traditions, creating fun activities, like a late-night storytime. You can even find some moments all alone to yourself, like sneaking away from your little one’s room after helping the tooth fairy drop off a little gift before going back downstairs and relaxing with your partner and, perhaps, a glass of wine.


Magic in the unexpected.

Life can get busy. Moments can be missed, but it’s more than possible to slow down and find some magic. You just did! These moments are all around and between you and your family. As Ann Marie Tennison shared with us “favorite memories don’t often come from the carefully curated birthday party. They come when you put your sticky child in the bath and pop bubbles together.” The point is: They’re unexpected! They might be a short hand-in-hand walk with your kiddo or a little moment of calm watching your daughter lay exhausted on a furry white rug reaching for your hand, shared by the Daddy behind Hold The Magic. Small moments like these make life beautiful. Sometimes they can be disguised in chaos, but even if the shirt’s ruined, there’s joy in watching your little one slobber all over that delicious piece of watermelon for the first time. Whatever it is, be present. You’ll be surprised. There’s magic all around you. You just have to know when, or when not to, look and be present. Be open. Let life surprise you.


So, what is magic?

Well let Carmen’s eldest son tell us. We like how he thinks. As he puts it: “Magic is the special things that happen that we can’t see. Magic happens and we can’t explain it but it makes people really happy.” Thank you for going on this journey of Fairy Spotlights with us. We wish you all the happiness in the world!

Be the Best Tooth Fairy

We have a lovely guide that shares three things every Tooth Fairy should know. Every lost baby tooth is an opportunity to create wonder, be it a tiny tea set or a mysterious sparkle of Fairy Dust. Deliver magic you can hold in your hands. And you have to be ready! Wiggly teeth are spontaneous. You can never truly know when the Tooth Fairy is coming. Thankfully, our guide will help make sure you have everything you need to truly hold the magic. It’s never too late to start a new tradition and add a little magic to your family’s life.


Fairy Guide Book

3 Things Every Tooth Fairy Should Know

Not ready to fly on your own yet?
We can help you be the best Tooth Fairy you can be.

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Everything to prepare you and your child for a magical tooth loss journey.

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