Motherhood is a learn-on-the-job role - Hold The Magic
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Motherhood is a learn-on-the-job role

Moms are powered by love, creativity, caffeine and a whole lot of magic. Each day of #momlife feels a lot like the classic line yelled out during a riveting game of hide and seek….“READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!”. It’s not that we’re unprepared for motherhood. There’s just no way to truly prepare for motherhood. It’s a learn-on-the-job role. In fact, we probably over-prepare in many ways. We read all the things, listen to advice from moms that came before us, buy more gadgets than are likely necessary (because what if we need them?!🤷🏻‍♀️) and we feel ready. It’s then that the magic and mystery of motherhood sets in. Motherhood is a blind promise to love and care for a person you’ve never met, for the rest of your shared lifetime. It’s time to meet your tiny soulmate….and you’ll never be the same again.

We embark on the journey not knowing where it will take us or who our little people will grow up to be. When we look at them, we feel a magic so intense it’s palpable. We want to create magical moments for them and give them the life we feel they deserve. So we blaze ahead, learning as we go and making it work - over and over again. There is always magic to find and magic to create. We scour the internet for recipes for homemade playdoh and slime that we know will make them smile. We add the optional glitter, even though we know it will make the project even more messy. Moms know there is wonder and excitement in the messy projects they love so much.

The lessons of motherhood are learned through trial and error. We quickly learn what needs to be packed in the diaper bag AT ALL TIMES. We plan schedules around nap times and know just what each child needs to make them comfortable and happy. We don’t know what surprises and excitement the day will bring. We just know we’ll be there cheering our littles on, kissing the boo-boos, cleaning up the messes and documenting the fun. Each day there are mysteries to unravel and knowledge to gain. But magical mothers don’t keep the knowledge to themselves - they selflessly share their wisdom with other mothers, maximizing the magic.

Moms, we see you going out of your way to craft magical moments for your children. Each time you move the Elf on the Shelf or leave a tiny note from the Tooth Fairy, you’re inspiring the next generation of magic-makers. Your dedication to creating these moments for your little ones will make the world a better place.

Meet Charla Solheim.

Magical mother of 1. Charla’s wise advice for new moms is a shining example of a magical mother in action. We hope her stories of motherhood will leave you smiling and inspired. Sparkle on, Charla!

Charla, tell us how many kiddos do you have and what are their ages?

1 daughter, age 7.5

What does your current morning routine look like?

Wake up. Make breakfast. It’s the last week of virtual school! So, my daughter will read, play games or watch a little T.V. before her morning Zoom with her class. We then will either play games together (imagination games inside or outside), read, go for a walk or a bike ride. We try to do something creative as often as possible.

What is one of the best tips you have for making your child a better human?

Tell them the behavior you want/expect instead of telling them to stop doing. E.g. “Please use your normal voice” instead of “Stop whining.” And model the behavior you want to see them mimic.

If you could turn back the time and have a newborn moment back what would it be?

My daughter falling asleep on my chest. We often took long walks outside, and I would talk to her until she fell asleep. I miss being that close to one another and having it be so peaceful and happy.

What keeps you up at night?

Currently, the pandemic and inequality. But also my hopes and fears for our future as humans on this planet.

What makes you feel inspired or like your best self?

Following a whim or idea down its path. So many mysteries to unravel and adventures to discover on the journey.

What is one piece of advice you'd give a new mom out there?

Don’t compare yourself to other people. Follow your instincts. Know that you are doing the best you can do, and you’re doing it out of love. Your child will love you even if you make mistakes. Don’t expect to know everything. It’s a job you learn along the way. So just keep going, and try to remember the good more than the bad. You are doing great and yes, they will sleep. I promise.

How do you create magical moments for your family?

We are always exploring outside, creating imaginary worlds, and I encourage the belief in mystical things. My daughter actually believes she’s part fairy and can visit the fairy world with a simple blink of the eyes (literally).

Tell us about the first time your kiddo had a loose tooth?

Her first loose tooth was loose forever! And then she finally lost it by biting into an apple on CHRISTMAS DAY!

If you asked your kids "what is magic" what would be their answer?

Fairies and unicorns and magic tricks and everyday things like a dragonfly landing on her eyelash.

What is the hardest part about brushing your kid's teeth?

She’s in the habit actually, so we don’t have to argue with her much at all. It helps that my husband has had a lot of dental work, so she sees what happens if you don’t take care of your teeth.

What is your favorite children’s story right now?

She loves all fairy tales. She’s become obsessed with the comic strip Calvin & Hobbes and has read all the collections (four big books!) five times now.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Recently, I somehow lost track of how many HTM fairy gifts I had. When my daughter lost her tooth (which had been wiggly for months), I found out in a panic that I didn’t have anything! I did a quick search around the house and sent several panicky messages. I reached out to an old neighbor to see if she had any tiny things in her house which could pass as a gift from a fairy. She said she had several options. It was at the height of the lockdown, so we couldn’t pass them off the normal way. I walked my dog to her house around 9 p.m. in the dark. I was texting with her the entire way. By the time I made it to her house, I had to stand far back from the door and relay messages to her husband. She put a few things in a paper bag and left them on the front step for me to grab. I compared it to a late-night drug deal. I chose a tiny, filigreed elephant. I failed to write the letter small enough and it was written instead of printed. She noticed of course. I said in the letter that the tooth fairy’s printer was broken. She loved the elephant, and I think I narrowly avoided detection. But it was close.

We appreciate you for being a part of our fairy spotlight series, Charla.

You’re truly an inspiration. Stay magical!

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