Fairy Spotlight: Courtney Lewis - Hold The Magic
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Fairy Spotlight: Courtney Lewis

It’s the little moments, like the cozy snuggles with your kids after they run into your room and wake you up so they can hang out on the “big bed.” It’s little moments of magic like these that send you right back to when your kiddos were even younger kiddos, the early evenings of them falling asleep in your lap, that feeling that comes over you when you look down and see them comfortably and cozily asleep and dreaming. And even if you don’t know where their mind is off to, you know it’s somewhere happy and at peace. And then there’s the moments of sprinkles based coercion over breakfast and sparkly toothpaste. All throughout life, it’s the magic that gets the job done.

Meet Courtney

Courtney is a powerhouse, a beacon of joy, and a delighted mother of two kids, ages five and two. Her family is one bonded by adventure and she always has an eye open to magical journeys in life both big and small.

Courtney Lewis

Courtney Lewis


Courtney, tell us how many kiddos do you have and what are their ages?

Dylan- 5, Brooke, 3

What does your current morning routine look like?

Both of my kids are early morning risers. They both normally run to the “big bed” and we start the morning off with a snuggle before we head downstairs and normally kick the day off with a family breakfast. “Birthday” pancakes have been a hit as of late, as we have found that even the pickiest eater will eat anything with sprinkles in it ;)

What is one of the best tips you have for making your kids better humans?

Children are sponges. I truly believe in the power of positivity! I love the quote by “Brooke Hampton”: ‘Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.” 

If you could turn back the time and have a newborn moment back what would it be?

I loved watching my children’s bodies rise and fall as they slept on my chest. I just couldn’t get enough of them when they were sleeping—especially when they would flash a little smile when sleeping.

What makes you feel inspired or like your best self?

Self-care and exercise! I believe in the “air mask” theory- you have to put your own air mask on before you can help others. I feel my best when I wake up early to exercise and take the extra five minutes to listen to a positive meditation app on my phone as I am getting ready.

What is one piece of advice you'd give a new mom out there?

“This too shall pass.” The sleepless nights, potty training, picky eating….

How do you create magical moments for your family?

Our family is bonded by our sense of adventure. I love to plan activities and travel for us all and surprise the kids with a basket the night before with clues and small gifts to help make the celebration feel bigger, so they will have something to look back on. I document everything. I created a beautiful baby book for each of my kiddos capturing my pregnancy and first year of their lives, but found I couldn’t stop just there. Each year in December I like to make their annual books. I plan to give them on their 18th birthday.

Tell us about the first time your kiddo had a loose tooth?

My son Dylan is our “wild child.” He had already broken his first bone by his third birthday. It was no surprise that his first loose tooth came from a fall, which resulted in a trip to the dentist shortly thereafter. 

What is the hardest part about brushing your kid's teeth?

I always find it difficult to brush my children’s teeth around ages 2 or 3, or what I fondly describe as the “I do it myself!” stage of childhood. I find it helps to start with “Mama first” so I can make sure their teeth have been well brushed, and then I give it back to them to finish brushing. Princess and Star Wars electronic toothbrushes and sparkle toothpaste doesn’t hurt either ; )

What is your favorite children’s story right now?

My son’s favorite story is currently “A boy like you.” I love the message of embracing all the things that make a boy unique, as well as the diversity conversation-starters that come from the book.

My daughter can’t get enough of “Dear Girl (A celebration of Wonderful, Smart, Beautiful, You!)”. I think it’s so important to remind little girls of how strong, powerful, and valuable they are from a young age.

Courtney Lewis

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