Fairy Spotlight: Jayme Bosard - Hold The Magic
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Fairy Spotlight: Jayme Bosard

Finding Magic in the Now!

It’s those little moments that put you immediately, and undeniably, in the present. The small cooing noise your baby makes as they waver in and out of sleep on your chest. That surprisingly flawless morning routine where you stick the landing at the bus stop at exactly 7:16 AM. That peaceful evening with the whole family once you’ve managed, finally, to get all the phones off. These precious moments are full of magic and show us that we can all find wonder when we enjoy the present with those we love.   


A mother who focuses on discovering these moments of joy (and growth!) for her two kiddos, Jayme has an eye for those experiences in life that teach her children about kindness and compassion.

Jayme, tell us how many kiddos do you have and what are their ages?

I have two boys, ages 5 and 8.

What does your current morning routine look like?

I get up at 5:30 AM and get myself dressed. I get my 8-year-\old up at 6 AM and he reads for 20 minutes while I pack lunch and make breakfast. The 5-year-old is up by 6:30 AM and sits and reads with brother. We finish breakfast by 7 AM, brush teeth, get shoes on, and we’re at bus stop by 7:16

What is one of the best tips you have for making your kids better humans?

Let them experience life! This even includes pain and hurt feelings, so they can appreciate and understand what others feel so they won’t want to make others feel that way. Let them make a mess, spill the milk while making their own bowl of cereal, get a belly ache from too much candy or junk food this is how they learn, let them learn every day.

If you could turn back the time and have a newborn moment back what would it be?

Mid-day naps with my baby sleeping on my chest.

What makes you feel inspired or like your best self?

Making progress toward a goal and, of course, achieving that goal!

What is one piece of advice you'd give a new mom out there?

Everyone is different. Do what works for you, don’t compare yourself to others.

How do you create magical moments for your family?

I just try to create time for us all to be together (no phones or distractions) and the magic seems to happen on its own. Be present in the moments not distracted.

What is the hardest part about brushing your kid's teeth?

Prying their mouth open for the first year until they realize you are relentless and that it is going to be an everyday part of life. Consistency is key though, lol!

Cody Helgeson

Cody Helgeson

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