Balancing Small Moments with Big Responsibilities - Hold The Magic
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Balancing Small Moments with Big Responsibilities

Fatherhood is a persistent exercise of balancing small moments with big responsibilities. Maintaining a healthy equilibrium isn’t always easy. The sheer weight of life’s big responsibilities has a tendency to build inertia that’s difficult to corral. We get lost in managing finances, navigating work concerns, and planning for the future. We strain over big parenting questions: Are the kids receiving the best education for their needs? Do they have good friends? Are we instilling healthy lifestyle habits? Are we preparing them for the future? And the list goes on…

These macro-level concerns are inherently important. They’re obvious and tend to push themselves to the front of the mind. Adding to that stress is the utter busyness of everyday life: Getting kids dressed, fed, transported, bandaged, snacked, comforted, changed, exercised, crafted, bathed, and bed-timed. This combination of urgent and large-scale needs can make simply getting through each day feel overwhelming.

Oftentimes, what gets lost are the small moments. You know the ones: The horsey-back rides, the dress-ups, the bat-and-ball, the dragon behind the playground, the hand-in-hand walks, the eye-to-eye contact, and the belly laughs. Big responsibilities are what make life manageable, but it’s the small moments that make life beautiful.

Kids need these moments: They are the foundation of relational connection. But parents need them just as much. They give us the opportunity to release the heaviness of responsibility to simply enjoy the life we have right now. Right here. With these kids. At this moment.

Small moments make life less stressful and more enjoyable while building the deeply connected relationships that will make our kids strong and confident for the long haul. So let’s embrace them. Let’s seek them out. Let’s be fathers that excel at making magical memories with our kids.

Meet Todd Cahoon.

An accomplished actor and screenwriter, Todd is the father of three amazing kids – aged 3, 5 and 7. His dedication to connecting with his children through play and focused attention creates the small moments that build memories.

Todd Cahoon

Todd, tell us how many kiddos you have and what are their ages?

3 -- 3.5, 5.5 and 7

What does your current morning routine look like?

Get up and go. Actually, I’ve been waking up earlier to do a 10 min prayer and meditation and then a 10 min yoga stretch. Then it’s online classes with the kids most the day.

What is one of the best tips you have for making your kids better humans?

Treat them like human beings. Or, better yet, how I’d like to be treated. I try as best as I can to direct and teach them in loving, fun ways, rather than barking orders and mandates.

If you could turn back the time and have a newborn moment back what would it be?

The day my daughter McQueen was born. There really wasn’t any stress. Maybe the most beautiful moment of my life.

What keeps you up at night?

Good TV. Otherwise, I hit the pillow pretty hard.

What makes you feel inspired or like your best self?

Creating (at work) or connecting with the kids.

What is one piece of advice you'd give a new mom out there?

It’s not as scary as you might think. Have faith.

How do you create magical moments for your family?

My wife is better at that than me. She does the whole horse and pony show. For me it’s really a day to day thing. I just try and remind myself to get present with them and connect as much as I can.

Tell us about the first time your kiddo had a loose tooth?

Jeez. I have terrible Dad brain. But I know it was my oldest, Easton. And I know he was absolutely thrilled to get visited by the tooth fairy -- with the tremendous aide of “Hold the Magic”. We sprinkled the fairy dust and put the treasure gifts and card under his pillow. He was so excited when he woke up! We read the note and I remember he especially loved the little tools set. He loves tools. And, of course, the $20 bucks.

If you asked your kids "what is magic" what would be their answer?

Each would answer differently. Easton (7) would say something like… “Whatever God makes.” Queen (5.5) would say, “Um, I don’t know, maybe something like in the Disney movies.” And Cade (3.5) just wouldn’t answer the question; but he’d want to say, “Spiderman.”

What is the hardest part about brushing your kid's teeth?

Keeping them from chewing on their F N toothbrushes and ruining them.

What is your favorite children’s story right now?

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Just gratitude for Hold The Magic. It really has added a special layer of warmth and wonder to the traditional monetary tooth fairy. Thank you!!!

We appreciate you for being a part of our fairy spotlight series, Todd.

You’re truly an inspiration. Stay magical!

Todd Cahoon

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