Tooth Fairy’s Guide to Healthy Teeth - Hold The Magic
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Tooth Fairy’s Guide to Healthy Teeth

Hello Parents/Guardians, it’s your local Tooth Fairy! 

I know I mostly write to your children but I have seen how busy you have all been lately so I thought I would help out with a guide to my favorite subject: Your children’s teeth!

We fairies are experts in teeth! We have been collecting and cataloging them for as long as there have been children. Through the years we have come up with certain standards that we look for in the ideal tooth:

  • Bright, ivory color
  • Strong enamel
  • Clean base and sides
  • Pleasing smell

While we happily take every tooth left for us, we are always looking for those special, healthy teeth! Fairies love clean teeth because the cleaner the tooth, the more magic it emits! We use clean, sparkly teeth to power our whole world, from the lights in the due drop cafe, to the machines in the workshops that make presents for you!

This is our very own guide to share with your children on how to keep your teeth Tooth Fairy strong!

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Brush Front and Back

Sometimes we get so distracted by making our smiles bright that we forget teeth have two sides! To keep your chompers pillow-ready, make sure to brush their backs as well!

Fairy Tip: I always brush the fronts of my teeth first, and then I brush the backs all at once! That way the toothpaste on the front stays on a little longer and keeps my smile even brighter!

Keep Your Tongue Clean Too

Tongues do as much work as your teeth and get messy in the same ways. Plus since your tongue touches your teeth all the time cleaning it along with your teeth helps keep your teeth clean! Cleaning the tongue is very easy. When you are done brushing your teeth, rinse off your brush and give your tongue a gentle 30 second brush all over with your toothbrush or a special tongue scraper!

Fairy Tip: I like to count to 30 while brushing! To keep my count slow, I count like this: 1 fairy smile, 2 fairy smiles, 3 fairy smiles, and so on.

Brush to Music

To keep those pearly whites as pearly and white as possible, you should be brushing for two minutes each time! That way you can brush front and back while making sure that each tooth is well-cared for. We understand 2 minutes can seem like a long time, which is why we recommend finding a favorite song which is around 2 minutes and brushing until it ends!

Fairy Tip: Why not choose a new song for each day for the week, or if you have siblings, take turns picking? This turns each brush into a magical musical moment! A few song recommendations: Let It Go (Frozen),  Firework (Katy Perry), Happy (Pharrell Williams), Who Says (Selena Gomez), Fireflies (Owl City), or Count on Me (Bruno Mars).

Brush Twice a Day

We know you have a lot to do, but good brushing only takes 4 minutes a day. Brush once after breakfast and once before bed to keep your teeth strong and healthy at all times.

Fairy Tip: We fairies like the occasional late night  snack, but we always brush again afterwards!

A Little Flossing Goes a Long Way

Brushing is great, but when it comes to making your smile as brilliant as you are, you need some additional help. Food or plaque on the side of the teeth makes them heavier for us to carry and less healthy for your mouth. Pretend you're a cowboy out on the range and your floss is a magic lasso pulling all the tumbleweeds and trail dirt off your teeth! 

Fairy Tip: Flossing takes some getting used to, so ask your adult or your dentist to show you how to do it! Not everyone takes flossing classes like we fairies do!

Brush in Little Circles

While it seems strange, brushing in a straight line doesn’t get your teeth as sparkly clean as brushing each tooth in a little circle. Human dentists discovered what we fairies have known for centuries: If you brush in a circle you not only clean your chicklets but also your gums! Think of it as keeping your tooth bed clean!

Fairy Tip: When I brush I like to pretend that my teeth are ice and my brush is a skater making figure eights!

Cavities Are Great Teachers (Really!)

We have been saying a lot about perfect teeth...but the truth is, fairies love all teeth. We like healthy teeth best because that means you are keeping yourself healthy. While cavities are no fun, think of getting one as a learning experience. Let it teach you how to take better care of your teeth in the future!

Fairy Tip: Even young fairies sometimes get cavities (they are still learning - and honey is delicious!) When they get their cavities filled they bring a special stuffed animal with them. That way they can squeeze the stuffy if they get nervous! 

BONUS: A Secret Memo for Parents/Guardians.

Tooth Fairy Secrets to Help a Reluctant Brusher!

Let Them Watch You Brush

Simple but effective. Let your child see you brush, or brush at the same time as them. They can also practice on a doll at the same time you’re giving instruction. This normalizes brushing, puts you two on an equal footing and lets them be like the person they admire most (you)!

Let Them Pick Their Toothbrush

More than anything, kids want to feel like they have agency. Take them to the store and let them choose the toothbrush of their dreams. Character brushes (like Spider-Man, or Disney princesses) have the added advantage of implying that your child’s hero also brushes their teeth regularly. 

Think Beyond Mint

Some children will simply never like the taste of mint, which makes toothpaste a drag. Look online or in local stores for alternative flavors of toothpaste. Chocolate and bubblegum are both popular (and dentist approved) flavors. An extra advantage is that sometimes these toothpastes come in fun colors, or with sparkles!

Teach Them About Their Mouth

Why should your child brush their teeth? You know why - but do they? Books like Ready, Set, Brush by Che Rudko and The Tooth Book by Dr. Seuss are both entertaining and have valuable information about why brushing is so important. 

Act As If

This may seem obvious, but do not complain about brushing your own teeth or act as if brushing teeth is a chore. Try to use positive language to reinforce that this is a healthy and fun habit they should be excited about! 

Sweeten the Deal

If all else fails, offering a reward in exchange for brushed teeth can work wonders. We are not saying that this is ideal...but we also understand that not all kids play by the same rules. If you must offer a bribe, try not to have it look like one. Maybe make dessert conditional on good oral health, or have the piece of chocolate be a Sunday night treat to reward a week of good brushing!

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