When can my child brush and floss alone? - Hold The Magic
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When can my child brush and floss alone?

As a Tooth Fairy, I am delighted to receive your question about when your child can brush and floss on their own. As the guardian of all things dental, it is my duty to provide guidance and support to young teeth everywhere.

Here are a few key things to consider when determining if your child is ready to brush and floss on their own:

  • Motor skills: Does your child have the fine motor skills necessary to hold a toothbrush and floss properly? Can they reach all areas of their mouth and effectively clean their teeth and gums?
  • Attention to detail: Does your child pay attention to the task at hand and take their time to thoroughly clean their teeth? Or do they rush through the process and miss important spots?
  • Independence: Is your child eager to take on more responsibilities and show that they can handle them on their own? Or do they need more guidance and supervision?

Toothcare Bear from the Healthy Smiles Tooth Fairy Gift Set

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If your child meets these criteria and is able to brush and floss effectively on their own, then it is probably time to let them take the reins. Still, it's important to keep an eye on their oral hygiene habits and help them if they need it to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help your child develop the skills and independence necessary to brush and floss on their own:

  • Show them how to brush and floss properly, and then allow them to try it on their own.
  • Let them choose their own tools: Let your child pick out their own toothbrush and floss and encourage them to take ownership of their oral hygiene routine.
  • Use fun toothpaste flavors, play music, or make a game out of brushing and flossing to make it more enjoyable for your child.

Tooth Fairy left a gold bag from the Healthy Smiles Gift Set

By following these tips and working closely with your child, they will eventually be able to brush and floss on their own with confidence and pride. And as a Tooth Fairy, I can assure you that proper oral hygiene habits at a young age will lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

Thank you for trusting us with your questions! Wishing you and your family many happy and healthy smiles,

Lucy Tooth

Have you seen my Fairy Tooth Friend? 

This precious plushie pillow is the sweetest new friend to add to your child's Fairyland collection. Made of 100% polyester with detailed embroidery, glittering wings, and cute rosy cheeks. The back pocket is perfectly sized to hold a lost tooth and comes with a tiny letter and envelope. A perfect companion for sweet dreams in preparation for many Tooth Fairy visits!

Tooth Plushie Pillow

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