What if ... "My child has an older sibling whose Tooth Fairy experienc - Hold The Magic
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What if ... "My child has an older sibling whose Tooth Fairy experience was different?"

The Tooth Fairy journey is different for each child, no matter how it is navigated. Each child has a bursting and varied imagination and the best thing about the Tooth Fairy and the magic of Fairyland is that your child can allow their imagination to sparkle. Let’s look at how to deal with the situation when your child has an older sibling whose Tooth Fairy experience was different.

New Tooth Fairy Recruits

If you have an older child or children whose experience was different, it may be time to celebrate their right of passage. Involve them in the creativity and magic that the Tooth Fairy journey brings - it may be very helpful in case you accidentally forget your Fairy duties and need a friendly reminder!

You might want to recruit the help of your older child. Having older children as Tooth Fairy helpers is a great way to include them in the journey, and we all know how imaginative children are; you might find that they take the whole experience to a new magical level!

Inclusivity is important in helping your children grow, and it can give your older child the chance to have self-confidence and respect for what they are doing if you trust them with the secrets of the Tooth Fairy.

You as a parent or guardian know when your child is ready for this kind of responsibility, they will often let you know themselves in the way they act about the magic. Be sure you double-check with them about their own ideas of the Tooth Fairy before you bring them on board. Even if they have lost all their baby teeth, it doesn’t mean they have stopped believing!

A New Journey

It may be that your older child is still very excited about the Tooth Fairy and still has teeth to lose. Take this opportunity to bring your children closer together with the magical story of Lucy Tooth and her gifts of Fairyland magic. There are many paths that you can take to explain why the Tooth Fairy may be changing their tactic of tooth gift exchange. Take a look at our article on how to explain the change the Tooth Fairy is making.

Whichever way you decide to make the change, ensure that it suits the personalities of your children. If you have multiple ages of children that are at their wiggly tooth stage, you might want to stagger the gift-giving. Perhaps hold some Tooth Fairy ceremonies and give the ‘Bigger’ as an extra gift to the older child so that they feel their magic reawakened and can help read the Fairy-sized letters for their younger sibling/s.

What If They Talk?

Okay, so it is likely that your children will have a discussion about this. After all, a Tooth Fairy is flying into their room at night to exchange their baby teeth for magical treasures from Fairyland. Tiny letters are being delivered now instead of just receiving money, and there is a lot more effort being made by the Tooth Fairy in general.

The best way to navigate this is to roll with the questions, get involved, and have fun with it. This is a time in your children’s lives when they are absolutely alive with magic, creativity, and love. Embrace it and take it as far as you, or they, want to.

We have a number of Fairyland themed printouts and Tooth Fairy ideas on our blog, and even more that fly their way out to those on our Tooth Fairy email list!

Your older child, or other children at school may have questions about why some Fairies bring money and others leave gifts. The simple answer to that is that there are many Tooth Fairies that fly all around our human world from Fairyland, collecting teeth and doing other magical jobs. There are even Tooth Faries that turn into little mice and leave coins in children’s shoes. It is not for us to always question the ways of the Fairies, but we can enjoy everything they have to teach us. Including not only arts and crafts and Fairy magic, but how Fairy-approved foods can keep our teeth nice, bright, and healthy!

A great way to bring evidence to your story is to read our Lucy Tooth storybook to your children. This hardcover picture book dives into the world of Fairy magic, and why the tiniest Tooth Fairy, Lucy Tooth, realized she could make a big difference. It explores her idea to leave a piece of Fairyland magic behind because she believes each tooth holds a bit of magic that humans lose as they grow older. She wants to hold the magic of childhood for as long as possible. The Lucy Tooth book explains that some children receive money, and that is also worth celebrating!

You know your child best. It might be that they are fully ready to be recruited into the Tooth Fairy helper role. Perhaps they need a little more time with the magic. Either way, we have you covered with our Lucy Tooth book to provide evidence and back up any questions that you might need to answer with a trusted resource!

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