We understand that keeping up with your Tooth Fairy duties can be difficult, especially if your child splits their time between households. There are times when you need to be prepared and other times when this is not an option. We have all the answers to help you navigate this magical challenge.
Wiggle Tooth Timing
A wiggly tooth can take anywhere from a few days to a few months to fall out, but with some experience, you can often notice when the time is near. If your child’s tooth is wiggling all over the place and causing them discomfort, it might be time to give that tooth some gentle assistance on its journey. There are many signs to show a tooth is ready to come out, it may be that your child has had a knock in the playground or that the tooth is hanging by a thread. Either way, you can check out our free guide on how to pull out a loose tooth and make it a magical moment.

Here is a chart showing the average age to expect tooth shedding, however, every child is different, and accidents can happen. We recommend preparing early for your Tooth Fairy journey by age 5, starting with our 1st Wiggly Tooth Collection.
Split the Gifts
One surefire way to prepare for the Tooth Fairy’s arrival between two different households is to divide your Tooth Fairy gifts. Keep some hidden in both households so both Tooth Fairies are prepared. This can be a simple option that checks all the magical boxes.
If it is your first experience with Lucy Tooth and her friends, you may have ordered a ’Bigger’ - our Tooth Fairy magnifying glass which helps to read tiny Fairy handwriting. If the tooth happens to fall out at the household where the Bigger is not secretly stashed, you can let your child know that the Tooth Fairy messaged you to say she ran out of time on delivery and has left another magical item for your child to find when they go back to the other house.
The Tooth Fairy House
Some Fairy helpers choose to not split Tooth Fairy duties. It may be that it isn’t feasible to move the treasures around and advise the Tooth Fairy on the route to two separate homes. In this case, it is easy to explain to your child that the place where the traditions are is the home where the Tooth Fairy will visit. This can be anything from our Tooth Fairy teeth cleaning ceremony and keepsake box, to our free Tooth Fairy welcome poster.
A great way to keep up the tradition of the Tooth Fairy visiting only one house is with our Fairy Tooth Pillow, it’s an adorable plushie with a pocket specially designed for the exchange of teeth for magical Fairyland treasures - and it makes those tiny pearly whites far easier to find! It makes a perfect companion for sweet dreams when the Tooth Fairy visits! Start a tradition by explaining that the Fairy Tooth Pillow needs to stay in one home so that the Tooth Fairies can easily find it and deliver the magic, and the Tooth Fairy will only visit on the night when a new lost tooth is in the pocket of the pillow!
If your child splits their time between households, not to worry! Tooth Fairies are flexible, kind, and terrifically clever. With a little preparation there are plenty of ways that Tooth Fairies can still find lost teeth, wherever they might be. If it is easier the Tooth Fairy can come for any specific reason, whether it’s on the night your child’s Fairy Tooth pillow is out or when your child’s lost tooth returns to its designated Tooth Fairy finding spot! If the Tooth Fairy forgets to visit, we have magical ideas for that too.